WiDS Cambridge Poster Session
In-person, Friday, March 8, 2024
Microsoft New England (NERD Center)
1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142
The Women in Data Science (WiDS) Cambridge conference
is seeking posters for an in-person poster session.
Poster submissions
We invite students, postdocs, and researchers to submit a poster for presentation at WiDS Cambridge 2024. Please submit only one poster submission. A total of 20 posters will be selected. When selected for presentation at the conference, your poster will be featured during the in-person poster session. We also invite all poster presenters to give a live 1-minute Lightning Talk during the conference. Your poster title and abstract will be featured here on the WiDS Cambridge website.
Poster submission deadline: Monday, February 12 (11:59pm EST) application and abstracts due (200-word max)
Notification of selection will happen on Wednesday, February 21
Selected posters should be printed by Monday, March 4 (11:59pm EST)
Thank you for your interest. Please let us know if you have any questions at wids-posters@mit.edu.